Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edward Tufte on the iPhone

Edward Tufte's explanation of what the iPhone has done right (BTW its a BIG file and 5+ minutes here). And a few suggestions about what it has not got quite right. I wish I could use the phrase 'computer administrator debris' with similar quiet disdain. 'PowerPoint' is another term of disapprobation in the Tufte vocabulary. We know exactly what he means.

Tufte thinks that the iPhone is really showing the way that information needs to be presented in computer interfaces: touch, slide and zoom. Key verbs. Tufte is hugely influential, hat tip to Jimmy Guterman on O'Reilly Radar for the link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HTC's TouchFlo interface could be compared with Apple's iPhone.
The new features displayed by GNT [fr] illustrate, IMO, what is meant by 'computer administrator debris' (or should we say 'chunks'?).
